Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 4 #9

OK, I'm subscribed to 18 feeds now. The button that I added to my favorites to help me add feeds to bloglines is awesome. It makes it so much easier. Now I'm just getting frustrated with sites that I want to keep up with that aren't offering feeds. I guess ya just can't make some people happy. :-)

I looked at the different feed searching tools... for right now, I think I'm doing better just adding sites I already know I want to keep up with. However, I did use the Bloglines feed searching tool to set up most of my political feeds so... For now I think I will only use a feed searching tool when there is a specific broad topic I want to gather more info on. (I'm not sure if that makes sense but there it is.) Otherwise, I'm going to suffer from information overload. There are too many possibilities out there for my little ADHD-addled brain to handle.

Ooops, I almost forgot to tell you that I added 3 ihcpl blogs to my feeds and I did set up folders to organize. Sample folder titles: Political, library humour, ihcpl blogs, etc.

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