Monday, December 10, 2007

Week 8 exercise #18 Social Networking part 1

I had a MySpace page once upon a time. But I rarely visited it and it went away. It was very frustrating because, while my login still worked, all of my friend connections and my pictures and my profile went poof.

It's probably just as well. In truth, I am afraid to have a recognizable profile on the web. Working as a public librarian, I interact with all sorts of people. I have had to deal with a couple of minor stalking situations. And, because I work in a small community, everywhere I go I'm recognized.

There is always a small risk in sharing private details in a public forum. I think that risk is magnified significantly when you work directly and intimately with the public. And that is the nature of our work. There is nothing we can do to change it.

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